Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paper Zoo Good Copy

                                                                   Desert BAckground
                                                                  Polar Background
                                                            Northern Plains Backgorund
                                                                       Rain forest Background
                                                                    Savannah Background

Paper Zoo Rough (Very sick aye!!!)

For this project, we had create a "Paper Zoo" of six different animals and we must create one additional drawing of an animal of each bio-area of our own. As well, we were divided into groups to create the background for a bio-area for the final copy.

We also had to choose six of our own, those that have been highlighted are extra drawings that I chose:
Squid, Crab, Bush Baby, Swallow, Polar Bear, Penguins, Hare, Desert Tortoise, Lion, Elephant, Deer, and Buffalo